Kirk, Spock, Scotty & Uhura

on July 5th, we took a call from our friends at Vets Now, a couple found 3 kittens, tangled up under their shed. They quite rightly left them to see if mum was around but over 24 hours on she was nowhere to be seen, so they took them to the surgery. Could we help? Yes. Our volunteers Trudi and Mark set off immediately to collect them.

Little Spock had his cord wrapped around his leg, which as you can see in the picture below is swollen but we are hoping for no permanent damage. Just as we had fed them and they were settling down, the vet called again, the gentleman searched the whole area and found a 4th, so Mark and Trudi set off again and conducted a further search.


A next day update…

Spock’s foot is a worry (as seen in the image above) it’s very swollen, but with him being so small we just have to take it one day at a time.

After a difficult night, all have been to Heathside, have been thoroughly checked and had some fluids. The last feed was better, all suckled and took 2ml, thank goodness!

They are all snuggled in their incubator and we are getting to know each other, and getting used to the two-hourly feeds.


The very next day, we had some bad news. Little Kirk had gone to sleep. Baby girl Uhura was still at Heathside Vets at this point, who, as always, were doing everything they could for her.

Spock and Scotty were snuggled up together (as you can see in the picture below) But on a lighter note, Spock’s foot is looking a hell of a lot better. They are both hoping their sister comes home to them soon.

We did everything we could, but their start in life was the worst. Sometimes miracles fail us.


A few hours later, and our day just got worse. Little Uhura had joined her brother.

We are all so angry. This didn’t have to happen. The lady whose garden they were in asked for help a long time ago from a larger organisation, before finding us through the vet.

It’s just not ok. These two babies would still be here if they didn’t have such a traumatic start to life.

We are a tiny charity, picking up the pieces where larger charities won’t help. We operate month by month, whereas they have millions.

Goodnight baby Uhura .x


Next day update on Spock and Scotty…

Great news first. Spock is feeding like a champ at this point, 5ml each feed and is producing perfect poo. His toes are dying off, which is the best we could have hoped for. He’s walking around, not in pain, so we hope that he will just be a special boy without toes, rather than any thoughts of amputation.

Not such great news for Scotty. I’ve had to drop feed him as he couldn’t suckle. He had a really bad night, he fought every feed and is passing blood rather than poo. He has spent the day at Heathside Vets, his temperature was 40.5 when he arrived and his glucose barely registered despite me giving him support during the night. They have given him incredible care all day and continued the syringe feeding along with subcutaneous fluids every couple of hours.


Next Morning update.

Since 11pm last night, Scotty has suckled EVERY feed! Average 4ml every feed.

The best news is that he’s had no fresh blood from his bottom since 11pm and at 7.30am did his first proper poo!!!

Scotty is back to Heathside Veterinary Surgery at 8am today for more of the same treatment he had yesterday. The difference in 24 hours is incredible, so the biggest heartfelt thank you to every single one of the team there, all under immense pressure and saving lives.

There are moments as a foster mum that just make your heart sing. The first purr you get, the first head bump and the first time a kitten wiggles his ears when he’s feeding. Today was one of those days. And of course the first good poo. We’ve had a few of those today.


Scotty has now decided that warm milk is simply the best thing in the world and guzzles 5/6ml every feed. He’s also very proud of his new no-blood pooing ability and man can he poo!!

Spock has discovered that he can purr and that his ears wiggle, he proudly does both every feed.

Both have put on 10g in 24 hours and we have settled into a really good routine of wee, eat, poo, sleep, repeat.

The difference in a few hours for these babies is incredible, and we want to share the biggest heartfelt thank you to every single one of the team here at The Cat Welfare Group, these last few days we have all been under immense pressure.

The story of these babies is something we unfortunately run into on a weekly basis. We need your support more than ever to continue our vital work and support these kittens and cats who have been left stranded and who need desperate help. We are only a small charity and every single penny you donate goes toward saving the tiny lives. If you can, please donate today here. Thank-you x




Mumma Grace and her babies Thomas, Arthur, Polly and Ada.